Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Well, you knew when you entered this blog zone that I tend to write about things that are important to me. Sometimes you might be interested and sometimes not, but I can assure you I am ALWAYS interested in my topics of discussion.

This photograph contains four of the most important people in my life. Each has their own special place in my heart, but I want to talk about one person, in particular, from this photo. Because, you see, if it weren't for his kindess many years ago, the job I have enjoyed since November of 1996 would have never been possible. By the way, this guy is Carl (K8YHH) and he is at far right....lookin an awful lot like he wants to go fishing. ;-)

So anyhow, let's go back to 1995. I had been involved with Amateur Radio for only a few months and ol' Carl and I met at something called a 'Shack Attack'. In the Ham Radio world, this is a gathering at someone else's home, in their 'shack', or room of radio operation. It allows newly licensed folk, like I was back then, to meet the owner and tell tales amongst ourselves. This is quite a lot of fun, especially for newbies who want to see what the other guy has for radio gear.

That day, we were at 'The Nipper's QTH' (home) in Okemos and we enjoyed hearing about Bob's HF exploits using QRP....this is 5 watts or less of power to make contacts worldwide. Yes, I said worldwide! There are even some enthusiasts that make contacts worldwide on less than 5 watts and that is called QRPp. You would have to hear it to believe it, but Bob was well on his way (at the time) to getting into the DXCC Honor Roll.

And so, at some point, Carl and I struck up a conversation amongst ourselves and I learned that he was a GM Truck Driver. Being a driver myself, my first instinct was to tell him to keep me in mind if they ever were hiring. I mean, we're talkin' about a life-changing job here....LOL. Well, Carl called a few months later and had me get a resume to him ASAP-if not sooner. The result was, quite simply, incredible. I got the job and it has been life-changing for my entire Family.

I believe I've done a good job at my place of employment these past 12 1/2 years. I can honestly say that I have given them a good days' work for a good days' pay, too. And with the poor economic situation in the USA, things have changed dramatically at my work place. Many have been permanently laid off, many more have been indefinitely laid off and now our pay and benefits have been dramatically cut.

Now, don't get me wrong. I know there are others in far worse straits than those of us who still have jobs. Homes have been lost, Families have been decimated by the decline and I am thankful that we've had nearly 13 years of a good-payin' job. God has blessed all of us a great deal and now it's time we tighten our belts and reassess the job market.

But the purpose for my comments tonight is simply to say, 'Thank You' again to Carl. No need to apologize, or feel badly, because I and everyone who took a job with this company knew what we were stepping into, when we accepted employment with them. It's never easy to see something this good go away, but I have lived well and my Family appreciates the good things we've had all this time.

As for my beloved Detroit Red Wings....I will be ready to enjoy Game Four tomorrow night at 8pm on Versus. The Wings lead the series 2 games to one and it's not going to get any easier. Two great teams with two hungry Goalies.....nothing could be better! GO WINGS!!!

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