Monday, June 15, 2009

Invasion of 100,000 Bees In Mason

You can see the photos of the bee-keeper removing some of the estimated 100,000 honey bees here

It was a beautiful, sun-drenched Sunday afternoon in our sleepy little community, but somewhere else, a mass exodus was taking shape. Apparently, at a hive some distance from here, something happened and nearly 100,000 honey bees swarmed into the area, taking up residence in a neighbor's lilac bush.

One of the neighbors who witnessed the arrival, said it sounded like a 'woo wooo woooo-deep droning sound' and the sky way black as they came in. 'It was like that movie', he said, and he called to his wife to close windows and doors..not knowing where the bees would settle. They ended up only 30 feet from his front door and the man stood in awe and shock at what he had just seen.

One of the other neighbors happened to know this local bee-keeper from Holt, so he got on the phone and asked for assistance. The elderly man arrived in a white sub-compact car, with two hive boxes in tow and little else and set about collecting the drones. It is unclear if the queen was found, but I am sure that was not the primary objective.

After about an hour, or so, the gentleman loaded his bees into the little white car and headed off to Mason, where the bees would find a new home, among his others.

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