Monday, July 6, 2009

'Thank You For Your Service To OUR Country!'

Independence Day is now behind us, but I wanted to write this morning to share a thought with those that might stumble upon my little blog. If everyone who reads this takes action, this country would be better off in a matter of days. Are you up for a challenge? Ok, then here we go...

Back in the early 1990's, Patriotism was at its peak (at least in my lifetime). We had soundly defeated Saddam Hussein's 'army' and sent them scurrying across the desert and few lives were lost. It was a glorious time in the United States. But, as the soldiers came home, I determined in my own mind that they would NOT face the same treatment our Vietnam Vets came home to. In my mind, those boys did what they were ordered to do and they deserved a hero's welcome.

At that time, I was working with a local cable access TV station, based out of Perry. My supervisor decided to hold a 12 hour welcome home fundraiser for the soldiers in our area. All proceeds would be divided equally among them, to help with the financial burden they faced during their deployment to Iraq and Kuwait.

It was a long day, but I had the privilege of meeting several Desert Storm soldiers...and many Vietnam Vets. The highlight of my day, serving as emcee of the event, was when we stopped the show and invited every Vietnam Vet to the stage for special recognition. It was a heart-rending moment, as these men....still feeling the sting of the cries of 'baby killer' and such....came to the stage. Some spoke of Honor, God and Country, but all of them just wanted to be accepted for the work they had done.

They got their moment that Sunday afternoon and I had the good fortune of thanking them, one by one, with a firm handshake and the phrase, "Thank you for your service to our country". From that day forward, it became my mission to thank our soldiers....wherever I might find them. I am not one bit shy about walking up to a young soldier-or an old one, no matter what the setting, to offer my thanks. And I am teaching my kids the same thing.

When you see a soldier, no matter WHERE or WHEN they served, please take a moment to say THANK YOU. They are doing the work that must be done to preserve democracy and freedom in this country and abroad. They are offering their lives, so that we can have the right to disagree with each other and we OWE them that much.

On Sunday, July 5th, I had a chance to attend a 100th birthday for a good friend of mine. In attendance at that grand event were three Veterans. One, from WW2, wore his hat proudly and it gave me great pleasure to offer my thanks to him. We spoke for a few minutes and I helped get his drinks to the table for he and his wife. A short while later, I met two Vets from the Korean War and we visited, as well.

I am thankful that our men and women stand guard for us. I know this is a couple of days late, but please keep this thought in mind....we owe them our thanks. I don't care if you agree with the mission! You should not mistreat the messengers who carried out the orders. God Bless our Men and Women of the Armed Forces-and may God continue to Bless America!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Erv. Great blog. Particularly this post. Nicely done. I am thankful also.
    Lisa Spahr
    Proud supporter of those who serve our country
    Granddaughter of a WWII POW
    Author of WWII Radio Heroes: Letters of Compassion (celebrating ham radio and short-wave listeners)


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