Friday, May 15, 2009

It HAS To Be Said, Or I Can't Sleep Tonight!

From the beginning, Successful Thinkers struck a chord with me. I live in the State of Michigan, where the auto industry has been staggered by poor management and a flagging economy. On the news each night, the bad keeps getting worse and it affects me personally, because I work for the auto industry! But wait....I found something good that worked its way through the bad and I have to share it.

Successful Thinkers is more than a's a call to action. Back in the 40's, during WW2, our grandparents did what needed to be done, so that future generations could survive. They rolled up their sleeves and even women went to work, which was more than a novelty back then. Men were fighting for our Country, so who else would work and keep America rolling?

Today, we are faced with a challenge not unlike those days, during World War 2. And like the 'Greatest Generation', we are called to help one stem the flow of bankruptcies, foreclosures and lost incomes. Businesses cannot succeed on any level unless we take action NOW! And Successful Thinkers is the key to that action.

We are more than Successful Thinkers, my friends, we are learning to become Successful Doers (and yes, I read that somewhere). We have to...the stakes are too high and once STM has made its way throughout the United States, it will spread to other countries, as well. Why? Because there is a core of people in this land that CARE about our survival. By banding together now, we are going to become front line leaders as the economy recovers. We are positioning ourselves to show others the way.

The future might look bleak to some, but I am thankful that Successful Thinkers has emerged, because I do not see that bleakness. I see hope, I see growth for businesses and I see a new future emerging....perhaps without the auto industry, for me.

For the first time in my life, I can see a future where I am so busy helping Chapters establish themselves in Michigan and elsewhere, that I do not have time for a 'job'. My new 'job' will be something I love to do, because I love meeting people and I certainly love helping people. Jim Bellacera and his Team are leading the way, folks....what we do with it now is up to us. The call to action is being sounded.

God Bless, Erv

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