Friday, May 8, 2009

Sometimes, You Just Have To STAND STILL and Marvel

It's been a long several months, here in the land of the Automobile. Michigan has been in a downspin for 5 years now and the news has only gotten worse, since the US Economy has joined the 'party'. As a result, it's been a difficult task to find good news on any front. Stay with me, cuz it's gonna get better, I promise!

My Mom moved to Sacramento in January, as I noted in an earlier post and I got to spend six days of quality time in town, visiting my Sister and her 'Brady Bunch-like clan'. I stayed at their home, because Mom's was really packed with boxes....and I am allergic to cats, so it was just best to sleep in Weezy and Chris's travel trailer. Even in January, it is about freezing (though not by much), so the little ceramic heater was put to work and did quite nicely.

During my visit, I had the unfortunate chance to see my little buddy and nephew, Christopher battling yet again against Crohn's Disease...something he was diagnosed with in late 2007. He had just come home a few days earlier from the hospital and now his fever was spiking and he was headed back.

Tears streaming down his face, Christopher was pleading not to have to go back there. He hates the hospital, but that is because he has been there so often the last year, or so. The once fun lovin little guy has lost a lot of weight (because he has a really hard time eating anything) and his eyes are sunken. He looks very gaunt and not anything like I know of him. The sight of my nephew begging not to be taken back was hard to deal with.

Months go by and finally the trips to the hospital stop. Doctors have found the solution...or have they? The GJ tube and Mic-Key button-both have been getting the nutrition to his body that it needs and he begins growing again. But the good news just kept coming. You have to read the account here and let my brother in law tell the story. WOW!

Fast forward to this past week and Christopher may lose the GJ Tube and Mic-Key button. On top of that, his wish to the 'Make a Wish' foundation was to go to Euro Disney, in Paris, or Hawaii. It looks like Euro Disney is gonna happen and I couldn't be happier for Christopher (and the rest of the Family!).

Look, I have three healthy kids. When you see a child who is suffering with any illness, if you are at least half-alive, you feel for them. And when a miracle happens, you celebrate, too! God is blessing Christopher and for the first time in MANY weeks, there is something good to talk about. What GREAT News!

As for the Red Wings....I can talk about them and their bid for their 5th Stanley Cup in 12 years later on. For now, I wanna celebrate God's Healing Touch.

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